Catherine Martinez/ Brasilia Martinez- Hi-Five Singer Russell Neal’s Wife

L.A Girl

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24-year-old Catherine Martinez was found stabbed to death and now her husband Russell Neal –a singer with the ’90s R&B group Hi-Five –has been charged with murder.


Originally from New York, Catherine –a mix of Brazilian, Puerto Rican, and Dominican descent, –was a beautiful aspiring fitness model and boxer, who went by the name Brasilia.


take a look at her video below


Here another video of her showing her passion and commitment to fitness.



She was interviewed just a couple of months ago by mxymag. She shared her secret for her amazing figure saying she did weights, running, boxing and cross fit.


A loving and caring woman, she hated dis­hon­est and unloyal people and she loved dancing and painting.

During an interview she described her ideal man, saying

My ideal man is a man at least 5’10, ambi­tious, has a sense of humor, is into fitness, and has his things together.


Ironically she talked about her plans for the future, never imagining she would lose her life;

Five years from now I would love to be a pro boxer, a top fit­ness model with my own gym.

At the end of the interview she gives a final shout out to Frank Tate (box­ing coach), Antonio Leonard, my mother, and my two best friends Big E and Queenielocc. Never mentioning Russell.


According to media reports the couple –parents of two children –were having some issues; 40-year-old Neal told police he’d gotten into an argument with Martinez before he asked for an attorney and then clammed up.



The 32−23−36 (measurements) model, also lived a while in Chicago, Illinois but was currently living in Houston, Texas.

According to her Facebook profile she is listed as a single woman, she attended Baruch College in NYC and worked as a model for FIRST AMENDMENT ENTERTAINMENT and as a trainer at Metroflex Gym in TX.

Martinez had recently participated at the NPC Texas Shredder Classic which is a Bodybuilding Contest.


Neal is currently in custody on a $100,000 bond.

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