Cassie Kraemer- Extreme Weight Loss Contestant

L.A Girl

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We know when we are not happy with ourselves everything else will go wrong; 39-year-old Cassie Kraemer a woman who gained 200 lbs after pregnancy hit rock bottom and decided to ask for help.

Kraemer who resides in Wisconsin says she was physically fit growing up, but that changed when she became pregnant at 20. She says her decision to give her son up for adoption has haunted her causing her to gain nearly 200 pounds.

Last year Cassie hit her breaking point, that’s when she decided to make the second most important decision of her life. She wrote a letter to extreme weight loss trainer Chris Powell asking for help.


Cassie will be featured on the ABC show “Extreme Weight Loss”  tonight. An FB fan page has been opened for her, you can find it here.

Cassie will share with the world her journey and most importantly her transformation! She reveals it has been a tough year, describing her experience as

the hardest but most worthwhile year of my life

When the producers of the ABC series Extreme Weight Loss intervened, Cassie was morbidly obese and she says the show saved her life.

Cassie gave birth to a baby boy 18-years ago, according to the show’s summary she gave up her unplanned son for adoption, something she has always regretted. From that point on she started overeating gaining 200 pounds.

Her story is quite touching, Cassie’s goal is to lose all the weight and meet her son!

On the show Cassie is assisted by fitness guru Donald Driver, Heidi Powell, Holly Wyatt and others.

Cassie assures her audience and fans on Facebook saying

I am both nervous and excited about my journey being televised. There will be ups and downs but the one thing it won’t be is boring.

We can tell already by her attitude she has truly been transformed. She can’t say just yet how much weight she lost but we bet the before and after pictures will be jaw dropping! Tune in!

You can find her on Facebook here.

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