Dan Foley: Postal Worker/ Survivor Cast

L.A Girl

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Portland, ME, Maintenance Mechanic Daniel Foley is one of 18 contestants on the CBS show’s 30th season Survivor: Worlds Apart.


The U.S. Postal Service employee, is a resident of Gorham, Maine and is better known by friends as Dan. The 47-year-old is happily married to pretty wife Erin Foley.


Foley says on his CBS bio, he used to have a terrible fear of heights but faced it head on, by going on his first airplane ride…he jumped out at 13,000 feet. Heights don’t really bother him anymore.

Dan might be one of the oldest competitors among the rest of the cast but he sure has some camping experience that comes in handy, he describes himself as adventurous and judging by his past wild adventures we can say he surely qualifies.


Dan is quite the character, he claims he can charm his way out of almost anything, he calls himself a world class “schmooze” artist.


Foley says he’ll be alright as long as challenges involve gross food eating, strength, swimming, puzzles or balance. Do you think he has a chance to win the million dollar prize?

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