CNN Jim Acosta’s Ex-Wife Sharon Mobley Stow

Daily Entertainer

Sharon Mobley Stow

Sharon Mobley Stow

This pretty lady is Sharon Mobley Stow; she is the ex-wife of CNN’s chief  White House Correspondent  Jim Acosta, the son of two children born to Cuban immigrants and a  James Madison University graduate, who started his career with the Washington-based radio station WMAL.

The son of Abilio Sr. and Barbara Acosta, married his college sweetheart Sharon Mobley Stow, in after their graduation.

Sharon and Jim met while they were in college, they dated for over two years before their Summer wedding in 1993, at Wye of Charmichel United Methodist Church, they spent their honeymoon in the Greek Islands.  Sadly their marriage came to an end in July 2017.

Registered nurse Sharon Stow was born on December 26, 1970, she is the daughter of W. Kent Stow and  Joy Johnson of Severna Park, Maryland. Sharon has one sister Michelle Marie Stow Vance and a brother named Steven

During their 24-year-marriage, Sharon and Jim welcomed three amazing and beautiful children, two daughters and a son. In addition to her studied at James Madison, Sharon holds a master’s degree in nursing from Vanderbilt.




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