Asger Juhl: Danish Radio DJ

L.A Girl

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There are no exact words to describe such an atrocious act! When we first heard of Danish radio  host Asger Juhl, killing a rabbit the first thing you think, there’s got to be some kind of joke behind it; but when the man violently hits, kills a rabbit –all during his live radio program –again speechless! And not in a good way.

Outrage, as media outlets report about Asger Juhl who allegedly killed a baby rabbit while trying to raise awareness of ‘the hypocrisy of animal welfare’

According to the Daily Mail, the radio presenter beat up a baby rabbit to death with a bicycle pump whilst debating animal rights live on air.
His victim, nine-week-old bunny named Allan was later taken to his home to be served as his dinner.


The rabbit killing took place, following a debate between Juhl and TV personality Linse Kessler about animal welfare.

According to his profile on Radio24syv, he was born in 1980 and raised in Grumstrup, Jutland. Asger worked for many years in a women’s clothing company, but decided to pursue his passion for journalism. Beofre his current gig, he previously worked at Ekstra Bladet and Danish Radio P1.

Mr. Juhl –who did not have an iron stick –used a bicycle pump and claims to have asked a zookeeper for tips: ‘I was very humane. I discussed this with people at the zoo before I did it.

In his defense the 34-year-old told BBC radio: Many people in Denmark are frustrated about us killing the rabbit but at the same time they are having meat for dinner. The station manager claimed in defense of Juhl: the bunny “did not suffer any harm as a contrast to the way our industrialized agriculture treats animals every day.”

Do you think he has a point or Asger should have stayed in the women’s clothing company for going along with such a horrifying act?

You can find him on Twitter here.

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