Sean Hannity’s Wife Jill Rhodes Hannity

Daily Entertainer

Jill Rhodes Hannity

Jill Rhodes Hannity

Jill Rhodes Hannity is the wife of Conservative pundit Sean Hannity. Her husband is the radio personality and t.v host of Fox News’ Show The Sean Hannity Show, plus not to mention bestselling book author of three books, Let Freedom Ring: Winning the War of Liberty over Liberalism, Deliver Us from Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism, and Conservative Victory: Defeating Obama’s Radical Agenda.

Jill’s husband was born in New York on December 30, 1961. He attended Sacred Heart Seminary in Hempstead, NY, and then St. Pius X Preparatory Seminary. He also went to Adelphi University and NY University but never graduate.

Hannity began his career with radio with UC Santa Barbara, KCSB- FM. Then a couple of years, Fox News’ Roger Ailes hired him to host the t.v show first-named Hannity and LTBD, albeit changed to Hannity & Colmes following the addition of Alan Colmes to the show.  Hannity was responsible for giving the conservative point of view, while Colme provided viewers with his own, the liberal side.

His Sunday t.v Show Hannity’s America aired in January 2007. Subsequently in November 2008, following Colmes ‘s departure from Fox, the show was renamed, Hannity.

Jill Hannity was born Jill Rhodes, born August 27, 1962. They married in 1993 and they had two children. Their son Sean Patrick was born in 1999 and daughter Merri Kelly in 2002.

Jill Rhodes Hannity met her husband in 1991, he was a host at WVNN Radio and Jill was a columnist for The Huntsville Times

Rumors about a split between Jill and Sean were circulating when the COVID-10 started in the United States. On June 3, 2020, the New York Post confirmed that after 20 years of marriage Jill Rhodes and Sean Hannity had indeed divorced.
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