Dalene Bowden Idaho Lunch Lady Fired!

L.A Girl

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Dalene Bowden Idaho Lunch Lady Fired!

 Meet Dalene Bowden

Dalene Bowden is a lunch lady who says she was fired after she gave a hot meal to a hungry kid who didn’t have enough money to pay for it.

Dalene Bowden –a breast cancer survivor –didn’t think she was doing anything wrong, nevertheless the “theft” cost the school less then $2 bucks! Reports say.

As a result, Dalene Bowden says she was fired, just days before Christmas from her job at Irving Middle School by the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District.

Dalene Bowden posted her termination letter to Facebook which caused her story to go viral and subsequently led to an online petition and fundraising page was created.

The now famous lunch lady also said she offered to pay for the meal out of her own pocket, but she was still got the boot.

The event took place on December 15th, when a 12-year-old girl, told Dalene Bowden she was hungry but did not have any money to pay for her lunch. Her supervisor saw Dalene’s actions and sent her home.

Next thing she knows, she got the letter citing the reason for her termination as a violation of school board policy and school food service policy.


An emotional Dalene Bowden told Idaho State Journal, “I know I screwed up, but what are you supposed to do when the kid tells you that they’re hungry and they don’t have any money.”

Bowden –who’s been working as a lunch lady for the past three years –wrote on a GoFundMe page “my heart hurts. I truly loved my job, and I can’t say that I wouldn’t do it again.”

After the student approach Dalene with her predicament, she loaded the girl’s tray with food and told her they would figure out payment later.

Her fundraiser has raised over $9000 and her petition to get her job back has received over 43,000 signatures. She is said to be considering legal action.

Do you think Dalene Bowden did what was right? What would you do in the same situation?

Let us know by adding your comment below!

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