Danielle Ronco- Psychiatric Nurse a Contestant on The Bachelor!

Daily Entertainer

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Danielle Ronco’s exotic looks are hard to miss, she seems like a quiet gal, but the Psychiatric Nurse from Illinois is not planning on leaving the 18th season of The Bachelor without Juan Pablo Galavis by her side, but can she make that happen?

Danielle Ronco said among the things in her to-do list she hopes one day she cold go to Paris and learn how to surf, she considers herself an adventurous girl in ever aspect except food.

Andy Warhol is by far her favorite artist and and marriage for her means sharing, exploring life, laughter to the man she also will consider to be her best friend.  This sounds pretty great, I think Juan Pablo will be very happy about all that, don you agree?

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Danielle Ronco is pretty hot, perfectly tanned him, green eyes, beautiful smile, gorgeous body  and lovely curly hair. but what else it there about this pretty nurse, who along Nikki is the second nurse competing  on this 18th season.

Getting lost in Danielle Ronco’s  eyes is not a difficult, thing, her smile is something out of this world, her entire face is pure perfection!

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25-year-old Danielle M. Ronco from Lichfield, Illinois is the youngest daughter of Frank Ronco, 56, and Mary Ronco, 55, who are also the proud parents of Danielle’s older brother Joshua, 31 and sister Amanda, 26. Danni’s dad has a business called Ronco  Customs Autobody in Lichfield, IL.

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Danielle Ronco graduated in 2006 from Lichfield Senior High School, she then studied Fashion Merchandising and Business at Fontbonne University in St. Louis graduating in 2009, and studied nursing at the Saint Louis University where she graduated in 2011, Danni is currently a registered nurse at Preferred Family Healthcare.

Danielle’s looks could be ignored and soon models agency asked if she would be interested in modeling. As a matter of fact Danielle and her dear friend Syd have this cool fashion blog

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Photo  credit: wisemanphoto

You can find Danielle Ronco on Facebook here and follow her on Twitter here.

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