Elizabeth Lauten: Rep. Stephen Fincher Communications Director

L.A Girl

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No matter how right you may be, you never, ever, ever, talk trash about the President’s daughters! Meet Elizabeth Lauten, soon to be the ex-Communications director for U.S. Rep. Steve Fincher, R-Tenn.


The 31-year-old digital and media relations specialist wrote “Dear Sasha and Malia: I get you’re both in those awful teen years, but you’re a part of the First Family, try showing a little class. At least respect the part you play,” Lauten wrote in a post on the social media website, which was later taken down.

Lauten apologized earlier on Facebook for “judging” the girls at the annual White House turkey pardoning event. She definitely is sorry now but she is also out of a job. The North Carolina native told NBC News via phone Monday that her departure was already “in the works.”


Elizabeth has her own website, where she states she is the president and Founder of Audeamus Communications. Prior to opening Audeamus Communications, Elizabeth served as Purple Strategies’ Social and Earned Media Manager.


According to her LinkedIn she attended Jacksonville High School, graduating in 2001. She went on to receive a BA, Classical Studies, English Literature in 2007 from East Carolina University.

She currently resides in Alexandria, Virginia.

You can find her on Twitter here. A Facebook page has been created under “Fire Elizabeth Lauten.”

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