Evan Rachel Wood’s List of Boyfriends

Daily Entertainer

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Evan Rachel Wood

Evan Rachel Wood

Actress Evan Rachel Wood is first and foremost a beautiful hard working mother of one; the North Carolina native started acting at the age of 10 when she starred as Harriet Frankovitz in the 1997 film Digging to China.

As you all know she is currently single, however, the list of guys who she has dated over the years are quite interesting.

Back in 2004, while filming the music video for Green day’s song Wake Me Up When September Ends, she met British actor Jamie Bell. They started dating in 2005.

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For a moment it all looked like the romance was getting stronger, and they even got matching tattoos of the initials; however, by 2006, they decided to split up. She said she didn’t regret getting the tattoo though.

“We had matching tattoos because we knew our love would last forever. Trouble is, it didn’t, things happened, we split. But I don’t regret the tattoo. It reminds me of a great, great period in my life.”

A year after the split, she met singer Marilyn Manson, they dated for over a year before they decided to take a break in November 2008. In January 2010, they announced they were not only back together, but also engaged!

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But before getting back with Jamie, she dated Shane West and Alexander Skarsgard.

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Their engagement was short-lived and by August 2010, they went their separate ways.

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Luckily Evan Rachel Wood got back together with Jamie Bell in the summer of 2011. They tied the knot on October 30, 2012. Evan and Jamie welcomed their son (whose name has never been revealed) in July 2013; sadly they announced they had separated on May 28, 2014, and eventually divorced.

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After her divorce, she briefly dated The L Word actress Katherine Moening; Wood said she was open to a relationship with a guy or girl in 2011.

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In late 2016, she started dating singer Zach Villa, her bandmate from Rebel and a Basketcase.  These two became engaged in January, only to call off their engagement eight months later.

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