Hope Hicks Donald Trump’s Campaign Spokesperson

Daily Entertainer

Meet Hope Hicks

Hope Hicks was President Trump’s campaign spokesperson, as well as director of communications for the Trump Organization. Ms. Hicks announced her intention to resign as White House Communications Director on March 1, 2018; a day after she admitted in congressional testimony that she had told “white lies” on behalf of President Trump.

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29-year-old Hope Charlotte Hicks from Greenwich, Connecticut is the daughter of Paul Hicks III, the NFL’s executive vice president of communications and government affairs and Caye Ann Cavender former legislative aide for Representative Ed Jones, Democrat of Tennessee.

Moreover, Hope’s maternal grandparents G.W. Franklin Cavender once served as an assistant administrator with the Department of Agriculture in Washington and director of communications of the Institute of Agriculture at the University of Tennessee; her grandmother Marilee B. Cavender was a consumer-affairs specialist for the Department of Transportation.

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Meanwhile, her paternal grandparents Lucile Hicks and Paul Hicks II , an artist and the vice president and general manager in charge of public relations and advertising for Texaco Inc. respectively.

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Hope Charlotte Hicks a former model and Lacrosse player was a graduate of Greenwich High School; graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor’s degree in English from Southern Methodist University. She started working with the Trump family in 2014. She was part of Ivanka Trump’s PR team; after her amazing job, Donald hired her as his communications director; subsequently named media handler, corporate aide.

Prior to her job with theTrump Organization, Hope Hicks did PR at the New York City firm, Zeno Group.

Furthermore, according to media Hope dated married Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski as well former White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter.

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