Joanne Nikita Majic- Lostphophets’ Singer Ian Watkins’ Girlfriend

Daily Entertainer

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38-year-old Joanne Majic also known as Joanne Majic and Jo Majic a former prostitute, said she dated the Former Lostphophets singer Ian Watkins on-off between 2006 and 2011, Majic noticed Watkins sick, perverted ways and reported him to the police not once but several times but to no avail.

“Everything changed for us when he confided in me that he wanted to abuse children in 2008. I went straight to South Wales police then and made a complaint but they ignored me and said I needed evidence.

“I warned them this man was a danger to young kids but I think they thought I was just a trouble maker. I couldn’t believe how indifferent the police were, it was like they were taking his side and dismissing me as some stalker.

“I told Ian I had gone to the police and we argued but he was so cocky, he did not think the police would touch him and he was right. It was then I realized I had to turn off any feelings I had for him and turn on my escort mode.

“I had to treat him as any other client and try and get as much evidence as I could while pretending to be whatever it was he wanted me to be. I was determined to save more children from this monster.”

“He targeted them deliberately because they were easy prey to him.

“Somehow, I have no idea how, he managed to persuade them to let them offer up their own kids to be abused.

“He sucked them in with his charm like he did all the girls but by 2012 I knew he was out of control.

“His arrest was four years too late for me. I wonder how many other victims there are out there because from what I knew of Ian Watkins I’d be shocked if he only tried this with two women.”

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Joanne Majic the 5’1” redheaded woman who dated Watkins was born on June 13, 1975, find her on Twitter here  and Facebook here.

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