Terri Gowdy Trey Gowdy’s Wife

L.A Girl

Terry Gowdy Trey Gowdy's Wife

Trey Gowdy

Trey Gowdy wife is the lovely Terri Gowdy, her husband is a former politician and TV personality.

Terri’s famous husband is widely known for his career in politics and as a news personality. He has been in the scene for decades and has also served as a federal prosecutor and U.S. Representative.
Gowdy who is pretty active on social media with millions of followers, most recently authored a book.

In addition to his professional life, he is also a happily married fella. He and wife Terri Gowdy, have been together for decades.
Want to know more? Keep reading and learn personal details about Terri Gowdy, Trey Gowdy wife, Trey Gowdy net worth, Trey Gowdy book, Trey Gowdy family and more.

Trey Gowdy wife

Terri Gowdy is the lovely wife of congressman, Trey Gowdy; her husband is the former U.S. Representative for South Carolina’s 4th congressional district.


The two have been husband and wife since the late 80’s and together have raised two children. She is often described as a caring mother and devoted wife.

Terri Gowdy bio

Terri Gowdy was born Terri Dillard in 1961. She is a former beauty queen pageant contestant. Lovely Terri Gowdy is the former Miss Spartanburg and 2nd runner up for Miss South Carolina.

Terri Gowdy is the daughter of late, Frank Dillard and his wife of 52-years, Pat. Her father was an Army veteran and longtime member of First Baptist Church of Spartanburg. He served as Spartanburg County Councilman and died in 2010, aged 80.

Despite her participation in beauty pageants, she later decided to pursue a career in teaching.

Terri Gowdy Net Worth in 2021

The information about Terri Gowdy net worth in 2021 is yet to be disclosed. Due to the nature of her personality she is not the type of person to attract attention or display her wealth.

How successful is Terri Gowdy?

Terri Gowdy’s teaching career combined with her close relationship with God and her beautiful family, make her one successful woman.

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She has been very supportive of her husband’s endeavors while being at home caring for the couple’s children. Her husband’s success is also intrinsically tied to her because there’s no way Trey Gowdy would’ve had his career if he didn’t have a woman like her by his side.

Terri Gowdy personal life

Terri’s parents were devoted members of First Baptist Church in their hometown of Spartanburg. She learned at a young age the value of having a relationship with God. This will later influence many of her most important life choices.
In fact, she married her husband, Terry Gowdy after meeting in a youth program in church. They became friends and soon began dating until they wedded in 1989.
It is known the couple have a solid Christian faith. Her husband said once during an interview that Terri is the ‘most Christ-like person’ he has ever known.

She is also the mother of the couple’s two college age children, son Watson and daughter, Abigail. Watson attends the Washington and Lee University School of Law and Abigail attends the University of South Carolina.
A video of the couple’s son Watson singing the n-word in a song went viral in 2015.


The Gowdys are fans of dogs, the family also includes their three dosg, of which are named “Judege” “Jury” and “Bailiff.”

Terri Gowdy career

Leaving the beauty pageants behind, Terri Gowdy opted for a more conventional path becoming a teacher’s aide.
The political spouse and mother of two is a first grade teacher and works at the Spartanburg School District.
Terri Gowdy assists in the first grade at Anderson Mill Elementary.

Where can I find Terri Gowdy?

Despite being married to a public figure, Terri Gowdy enjoys her privacy. She has definitely taken a back seat when it comes to media and has no problem with her husband taking the spotlight.

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Apparently she isn’t a big fan of any social media platforms, and who could blame her. Sources say when her husband was a prosecutor, Terri and the couple’s kids had to be on 24/7 security due to his high profile cases. It is said, at the time the family received many threats.

Where does Terri Gowdy live?

Terri and her family are long time resident of South Carolina.

What does Terri Gowdy do now?

Terri Gowdy stays busy with her job as an educator at Anderson Mill Elementary.

Trey Gowdy bio

Trey Gowdy was born Harold Watson “Trey” Gowdy III on August 22, 1964, in Greenville, South Carolina; to parents Novalene and Harold Watson Gowdy Jr. He was the only boy among the family’s four children.

Trey graduated from Spartanburg High School in 1982, Baylor University in 1986 with a degree in History, and the University of South Carolina School of Law in 1989 where he was a member of the scholastic honor society “Order of the Wig and Robe”.

Тrеу Gоwdу wоrkеd vаrіоuѕ јоbѕ аt hіѕ еаrlу dауѕ іnсludіng nеwѕрареrѕ dеlіvеrу mаn аnd а соmmunіtу mаrkеt.

Trey Gowdy Net Worth timeline

Trey Gowdy was elected to Congress in 2011 to represent South Carolina’s 4th district. He is perhaps most notable as the Chair of the House Benghazi Committee, which led a series of eight investigations into the 2011 embassy attack in Libya.

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While Gowdy was in office he saw an increase in his net worth, bringing him to an average yearly increase of $178,596, No. 9 on the highest annual increase list.

Trey Gowdy Net Worth in 2021

As of this year, Trey Gowdy net worth in 2021 has been estimated at less than $1 million. His money stems from the career he has in the political field.

How successful is Trey Gowdy?

The republican has been recognized statewide for his commitment to victim’s rights, drunken driving enforcement, and nationally for excellence in death penalty prosecutions.

Ніѕ саrееr аѕ а lаwуеr іnсludеd рrоvіdіng соnѕultаtіоn аnd аѕѕіѕtаnсе tо Gеоrgе Rоѕѕ Аndеrѕоn Јr. whо wаѕ thе Unіtеd Ѕtаtеѕ Dіѕtrісt Соurt fоr thе Dіѕtrісt оf Ѕоuth Саrоlіnа јudgе, аnd оthеrѕ. Аftеr thаt, hе wеnt tо раrtісіраtе іn thе Ѕоuth Саrоlіnа Сіrсuіt Соurt whеn hе ѕuссеѕѕfullу gоt іt аnd еvеn wаѕ rе-еlесtеd twо tіmеѕ wіth nо hаrm.

Тrеу Gоwdу саrееr іn thе UЅ Соngrеѕѕ bеgаn whеn hе wоn thе Ѕоuth Саrоlіnа’ѕ 4th соngrеѕѕіоnаl dіѕtrісt еlесtіоn іn 2010 dеfеаtіng Раul Соrdеn. Не wаѕ ѕuссеѕѕfullу rе-еlесtеd vаrіоuѕ tіmеѕ dеfеаtіng Dеb Моrrоw іn 2012, Сurtіѕ Е. МсLаughlіn, Јr. Іn 2014, аnd Сhrіѕ Fеdаlеі іn 2016.

Тrеу Gоwdу hаѕ аn ехсеllеnt rерutаtіоn іn thе Соngrеѕѕ fоr hіѕ ехреrtіѕе аnd ѕkіllѕ іn thе lеgаl fіеld.

Trey Gowdy personal life

When it comes to Trey Gowdy personal life, it is widely known he and his wife have had a solid marriage for years.

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Не hаѕ bееn mаrrіеd tо Теrrі Gоwdу for over three decades, 32 years to be exact.

Trey Gowdy age, height and weight

56-year-old Trey Gowdy stands at 5 feet 9 inches tall, he has an approximate weight of about 79 kg.

Trey Gowdy career

From 1994 to 2000, he was a federal prosecutor for the U.S. Attorney for the District of South Carolina. For 6 years as a federal prosecutor, Trey prosecuted the full range of federal crimes including narcotics trafficking rings, bank robberies, child abuse cases, and the murder of a federal witness.

Prior to his arrival to congress, Gowdy was the district attorney for the state’s Seventh Judicial Circuit, comprising Spartanburg and Cherokee Counties. In these capacities he led an office of 25 attorneys and 65 total employees. During his tenure, he started a Violence Against Women Task Force, a Worthless Check Program, enhanced and expanded Drug Court, and implemented a Drug Mother Protocol designed to assist expectant mothers break the cycle of addiction.

The former federal and state prosecutor, was named as the Chairman of the “House Select Committee on the Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi” in May of 2014. Gowdy also serves on the House Committees on Ethics, Oversight and Government Reform, and Judiciary, where he also serves as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security.

Trey Gowdy awards and achievements

Trey Gowdy has been the recipient of Postal Inspectors Award, for his success in the prosecution of J.Mark Allen one of Americas most wanted criminals.

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Trey Gowdy book

In 2020, Trey published his book, ‘Doesn’t Hurt to Ask: Using the Power of Questions to Communicate, Connect, and Persuade.

In his book, Gowdy among other things, shares the techniques he perfected advocating in law and politics. According to Gowdy ‘You do not need to be in a courtroom to advocate for others. You do not need to be in Congress to champion a cause.’
Gowdy is also the co-author of the New York Times bestseller Unified.

Where can I found Trey Gowdy

Trey keeps active through his social media channels, where he has over a million followers.

Trey Gowdy Twitter

Trey is active on Twitter where he has over one million followers.

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Trey Gowdy Instagram

Trey is active on Instagram where he often shares snaps of his work and personal life with his 131k followers.

Where does Trey Gowdy live?

Trey Gowdy and his family live in a home in South Carolina

What does Trey Gowdy do now?

Trey who describes himself as a ‘Husband, father, former prosecutor, South Carolinian for life’ is currently busy with promotion of his book. He is also busy doing his Trey Gowdy Podcast.


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