Top Facts About Alberto Carvalho’s Wife Maria Carvalho

Daily Entertainer

Maria Carvalho

Meet the love and gorgeous Maria Carvalho; she is the lovely wife of Alberto Carvalho, the Portuguese educator and superintendent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools since 2008.  Maria’s husband was born Alberto Monteiro Carvalho in  1964, in Lisbon, Portugal.

One of six children moved to Fort Lauderdale at the age of 17, he earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Barry University in 1990; his first job was as a  chemistry, physics and calculus professor at Miami Jackson Senior High School, the same school where he eventually became assistant principal.

No doubt you all know about that, therefore, let us tell you about his stunning wife.

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The first fact you must about is that Maria Carvalho wasn’t the first woman with whom he exchanged bows; his first wife was Diane Carvalho, not quite sure when they marry, but on December 30, 1986, the got a divorce.

Having said that,  Alberto Carvalho and his wife Maria tied the knot on August 16, 1998, at Boward County, Florida. They welcomed their daughter Alexandra Lauren in 1991.

Born to Italian parents, Mrs. Carvalho was born Maria Florio Borgia in Pennsylvania in 1966.

She graduated from Archbishop Ryan High School and Peirce College. Maria was the practice development manager at CoolSculpting, before serving as senior practice development manager at Miramar Labs. Nowadays, is the community outreach coordinator at Lotus House.

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 Back in 2008, compromising emails between Alberto Carvalho and Tania deLuzuriaga then 27, were leaked. The emails proved they had been having an affair, although he claims the emails were part of a personal attack on him. Ms. Luzuriago worked as a reporter for Miami-Herald education, before quitting her job in 2007 when she joined the Boston Globe.

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