Wes Dufresne: Destrehan High Teacher Shelley Dufresne’s Husband

L.A Girl

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Montz, Louisiana resident, Wesley Dufresne is the husband of Shelley Dufresne. His teacher wife was arrested last September after she and another colleague were accused of having sex with a student.

The student his wife slept with, apparently started bragging about sleeping with teachers and soon enough Shelley –a teacher at Destrehan High for ten years –was busted. In November she pleaded not guilty but earlier this week she admitted having sex with the teen in an attempt to avoid prison.

Shellley –who happens to be the daughter of St. Charles Parish, Louisiana, judge Emile St. Pierre –still isn’t off the hook and she could still do some time for having a threesome involving the same student and the other teacher, Rachel Respess 24.


37-year-old Wesley Paul Dufresne, who goes by Wes, is a Site Manager at Clariant Oil Services, according to his LinkedIn. He’s been Clariant Oil Services employee for over ten years, holding postitons that include Safety Environmental Officer, Operations Support / SEO, Administration Supervisor / SEO, Administration Supervisor / Procurement / SEO, Business Support and Operations Supervisor.


Prior to his tenure in Clariant Oil Services he worked fro Data Chem as a Raw Material Purchasing and Safety Officer. He holds a Bachelor of Science (BS), Finance from Louisiana State University.


Wesley is the father of their three children: Gabriel, 7, Ava, 5, and Mason. Do you see Wes filing for divorce in the near future?

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